Welcome to Vigay.com
Vigay.com has been designed for ease of use and simplicity, allowing visitors to find whatever they're looking for with a maximum of three mouse clicks. All of the panels on this front-page can be turned on or off depending upon what you, the user, wish to see. This means that if some of the topics here don't interest you, they can be disabled and you'll see a nice short index page containing links to subjects which specifically interest you. This feature does require cookies to be enabled on your web browser (if they're not, you'll simply see all panels so you won't miss anything) and you can simply click on the X button to close the panels you don't want.
I've also designed and written a brand new search engine for this site. This now forms part of the header on every page so, wherever you are, you can always do a search if you can't find what you're looking for. It's even capable of offering comments and suggestions to aid your search, and will automatically contact me if nothing is found - so that I can improve the site. I've now made the What's New section dynamically update, so it will update automatically whenever I edit or add any new files on the server.
Privacy is utmost, so please feel free to read my privacy policy.
I hope you enjoy your stay.

 RISC OS/Acorn Computers
Many people are beginning to find that Microsoft Windows is too unreliable and insecure for serious computing use. Mac OS X is nice, more reliable and secure but still cumbersome and unintuitive to use and Linux is still not really suited to desktop use. RISC OS provides a reliable, powerful desktop environment for the 21st Century. It provides true drag and drop, proper nested windows, world-beating anti-aliased font technology and unrivalled productivity & efficiency.
 Computing & I.T.
Drawing on extensive I.T. experience spanning over 25 years, I've written a range of articles ranging from beginner tutorials to advanced programming and configuration notes. I can also offer individual help and tuition so please feel free to contact me if you require additional help. Although my expertise is primarily with RISC OS systems and Acorn Computers, I'm also qualified in the use of Windows, Mac OS, Linux, Solaris and other operating systems, especially regarding networking and cross-platform operability and compatibility.
John Vigay's comprehensive wildlife and conservation website, covering issues in Southeast Hampshire and the Horndean area. Biodiversity, natural habitats, flints, fossils and local fauna and flora around the area are also discussed here.
 Server Status
 I.T. Security & Crypto
Find out to securely encrypt your emails using PGP, to prevent anyone eavesdropping on your communications.
Keep up to date with the latest anti-virus information or investigate the current government human rights abuses. Visit the security & privacy page now!
 Privacy, Freedom & Activism
 We must NEVER allow governments to restrict the internet or to erode freedom and democracy, especially after 9/11, the London bombings and other manipulated world events. Indeed, every day Western governments are moving towards an Orwellian 'big brother' state where individuals are presumed guilty until proven innocent. We must stop this agenda.
I will always fight for free speech online, personal privacy and secure encryption methods. If you would like help with these matters, please feel free to contact me or view the security pages.
Irrespective of whether you're a child, an employee, a grandparent, a celebrity, a freedom fighter, a terrorist or a small furry creature from Alpha Centauri, you should protect your privacy by using secure encryption for all communications.
 The Truth
TrueFacts is my comprehensive site aimed at exposing government and scientific coverups, revealing what's really going on in the world and digging to get at the real stories behind what you see on television and in the media. Bookmark it for the latest information if you really care about what's going on in the world.
Vigay.com was also the first website to reveal the involvement of the Fiat Uno in Princess Diana's murder.
Our current investigations involve uncovering the real truth behind the Sept 11th events.
Find out more on truth aspects on True Facts
 Defeating Echelon
My PGP public key is available here.
 Web Portfolio
 Web Rings
Having become increasingly exasperated and annoyed with Yahoo (who took over WebRing.org), I decided to do something about it and create my own WebRing system. Visit WebRing Central to see what it's all about. Contact me if you would like to run your own ring.
 Spook Watch
 What's New
 Crop Circles
Although sceptics and the mainstream media have tried to mislead the public over the years, there is still a genuine mystery behind the origin of many crop circles.
Having personally witnessed a number of scientific anomalies first hand, I became intrigued by the subject and have been investigating the circles from a scientific perspective for over 15 years.
Crop Circle Research dotcom publishes and shares the results of my ongoing research into the continuing enigma.
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