Date 1 = 1721027 in the Julian calendar
Date 2 = 2460689 in the Julian calendar
Difference (age) = 739662
If we're looking at biorhythms, the 23 day cycle is the physical cycle.
Day into cycle 1 (23 days) = 5
Start of next cycle = 31st January 2025
The 28 day cycle is the emotional cycle and can correspond to the menstrual cycle in women. If you are using this calculator for such purposes, you should note that the most likely time for egg fertilisation occurs between days 12 and 17 (assuming the cycle is 28 days). If you change the length of the cycle, this is indicated by danger days.
Day into cycle 2 (28 days) = 14 (danger days = 12 to 17)
Start of next cycle = 27th January 2025
Lastly, the 33 day cycle is known as your intellectual cycle.
Day into cycle 3 (33 days) = 0
Start of next cycle = 15th February 2025
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