- Exposing the truth THEY don't want you to know


Diana - Rest in Peace

The FIRST website (originally at to reveal the involvement of a 'white Fiat Uno' (on 1st Sep 1997), merely hours after the crash - yet the media refused to acknowledge it for several months.
Our investigations continue and we will not stop until we reveal the truth and force the government into launching an official, public inquiry into Diana's assassination.

If you have any further information you are willing to share, please get in touch. All correspondence will be kept totally confidential. Please feel free to use secure encryption if you want to ensure that your communication is not intercepted by the 'spooks'.

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News - April 7th 2008

According to the news, "A coroner's jury ruled Monday that Princess Diana and boyfriend Dodi Fayed were unlawfully killed through the reckless actions of their driver and the paparazzi in 1997"

The coroner, Lord Justice Scott Baker, had instructed the jury that there was no evidence to support claims by Fayed's father, Mohamed Al Fayed, that the couple were victims of a murder plot directed by Prince Philip and carried out by British secret agents. The jury was not at liberty to disagree

Baker is an idiot if he thinks the inquest will lay to rest "once and for all" any false theories about the princess' death. The inquest solves nothing. It was a huge waste of money and discovered nothing that we didn't already know. As if the establishment/MI6 are actually going to come forward and say, "oops yes. Sorry! You've caught us out. We did kill her after all."
We knew the inquest would be a whitewash from day one.

However, they will want the matter ended as far as the press and media speculation goes, so if it achieves this aim, they'll probably consider it tax-payers money well spent. However, we will continue to search for the real truth....

Watch this website as we continue to ask questions that haven't been answered yet - and as we continue to search for the truth....

News - February 2008

There is so much information currently coming out during the (sham) inquest into Diana's death, we're currently revamping and updating this site. Please bear with us.....

What Really Happened?

Diana was the 'peoples princess', whom everyone loved and admired.

Photo 2

But.... Did someone want her removed?

Although a terrible thing to think, many people I've spoken to agree that things don't add up about the reporting of her terrible death, along with Dodi Al Fayed.

This page has been setup in order to ask a few questions, to make people ponder on a few facts and to help share information that may help lead to the REAL TRUTH.

Obviously, the media and government are discrediting any talk of 'conspiracies' or 'convoluted plots' to kill her by some organised group. The media, in the UK at least, are even blaming the Internet for these "far-fetched conspiracy theories". Psychologists will no doubt say that conspiracies arise because of people's need to rationalise some terrible event, which can't possibly be an accident. It's almost as if a wonderful life wasn't taken away because of a mere accident. Inventing conspiracies, seemingly elevates a terrible event from a pointless accident.

However, the media, psychologists and other people who dismiss other ideas are merely walking away from searching for the real truth - which may be too awful to comprehend. IF HOWEVER, she was murdered, then let us forget about conspiracy theories and merely ask questions, cross-reference facts, double-check news stories and uncover any potentially hidden truth. The murderers must be found and brought to justice.

We must also remain rational because no doubt, if the real truth HAS been hidden, various people will want it to remain hidden and try ever attempt to discredit people revealing the truth - or even try harder to bury the truth under more and more lies and disinformation.

The purpose of this web site is to make you think, not to convince you either way. Don't believe what is written here. Go out and do your own research. Investigate the news reports yourself. Look for where 'facts' change from one day to the next (such as the speed of the car or whether or not the driver was drunk), or for where different newspapers report different stories (like who was sitting where in the car).

As with most 'conspiracies', remember the phrase Cui bono - Who benefits?

Here are some 'points' to ponder over:-

Photographers were 'chasing' the car

This sounds like an attempt to a) fuel public opinion against the 'paparazzi' and b) pass the buck away from the real 'pursuers'. Imagine for one second the scenario whereby a couple of hired assassins take to motor cycles and chase the car.

Diana and Dodi were used to photographers chasing them, the driver was also aware that photographers would be following. A Mercedes S280 is a far safer place to be than a bike. Why should the driver risk life and limb from photographers that were a continual nuisance anyway? What if one of the bikers pulled a gun, or was a 'serious' threat, rather than a photographer. We know the photographers didn't arrive on the scene until some seconds after the crash. Therefore, who was close enough to the car to pose a real threat?

In any case, it's virtually impossible to take photos from a moving bike at high speed, especially when playing cat and mouse with a sturdy Mercedes.

You can't take photos through a glass car window using a flash at night, without getting a nice photo of your own flash gun as a reflection.

Why did some people rumour that a bike was in front of the car? Would you overtake a heavy Mercedes on a bike, doing silly speeds, on the entrance to a tunnel? This leads onto the next point....

What speed was the car doing?

Initial reports claimed the car was doing 120mph. Although a Mercedes S280 series should be able to cope well at this speed, it is extremely unlikely you would need to do such speeds just to outrun photographers on bikes (has anyone confirmed the makes/models/max speeds of the bikes involved?).

Immediately this speed was reported, people on the internet questioned it and said it was highly unlikely. Although the media tried to debunk the internet as a source of unreliable 'gossip', why have they recently amended their reports to state the car was no doubt doing a slower speed - in which case it was less likely to have lost control unless some outside influence was involved, such as the deliberate blowout of a tyre or a similar event.

Was there another car involved?

I believe yes, and it's this point which inspired me to create this website in the first place - due to receiving a phone call on the Sunday morning (1st Sep 1997) from an eye-witness who reported seeing a white Fiat Uno fleeing at high speed from the tunnel immediately after the crash.

I already had my suspicions that something "wasn't quite right" about the whole scenario, and this phone call confirmed it. This web site was created, officials and the media completely denied the existence of another car and any rumours to that effect were dismissed as silly conspiracy theories.

It was several weeks before it was acknowledged that another car was most likely involved in some way.

The driver was drunk

This was the report which initially made me 'smell a rat'. Not only is this an insult to the driver if he was innocent. Both Di and Dodi have always been surrounded by security and minders. If the driver had been drunk, another would have been found. Other security personnel would have prevented them getting into the car in the first place. There were already several decoy drivers available that night, as one left from the front of the hotel.

Here again is some discrepancy in the reporting in the media. Some claim that there was confusion as they left the hotel, and a decoy car left from the front whilst they left from the rear. Any bodyguard would ensure that the best driver was chosen, so if there was any doubt that Henri Paul was not sober, one of the drivers would be selected.

There has also been much confusion over blood samples taken from him, one containing mysteriously high levels of carbon monoxide and there is evidence to suggest they were switched for another sample, either accidentally or deliberately.

There is also uncertainty as to which security services Henri Paul was working for at the time of the crash, as large sums of money were later found in multiple bank accounts. Was he duped by MI6 into being part of the assassination plot?

Eyewitness reports

Although unconfirmed, some early eye witness reports claim to have heard a 'bang' immediately prior to the crash. Could this have been an attempt to sabotage the car?

Imagine that a hired assassin had secretly placed a small explosive device under the front of the car. Another (or the same) assassin could follow on a bike, ensuring that the car gets to a specific spot before remotely detonating the device which could cause a blow out and subsequent loss of control of the car.

There is also the conspiracy over the involvement of the white Fiat Uno. Could a car have been in front, just inside the tunnel to create an obstacle requiring rapid manoeuvres, thus ensuring the 'arranged crash' would occur? Eyewitnesses also report seeing a bright flash of light as the Mercedes entered the tunnel.

The photographers obstructing the police

It was initially reported that when the police arrived at the scene, the paparazzi were obstructing the police from getting to the crash. If true, how do we know they were paparazzi? They could have been the assassins ensuring that any vital evidence was removed from the crash scene. Some reports even went so far as to claim that a couple of motor cyclists left the scene of the crash immediately the police arrived - again leaving the following paparazzi to get the blame.

Stolen Jewellery

The plot gets more and more far-fetched every day. Nearly 10 days after the event it is claimed that valuable jewellery was stolen from the crashed car. It was rumoured that Dodi had recently given Diana an engagement ring. Could this have been stolen/removed to again hide the fact from the British public?

Were they engaged and Was she pregnant?

By far the most outrageous or controversial rumour was that she could possibly have been pregnant. Although I realise that this will shock many people, if it's true it could have given the secret services a motive to eliminate her. If not true, then simply ignore it and put it down to another inaccurate, far-fetched rumour you read on the internet. We are searching for the truth here - not a story which just happens to fit our preconceived idea of the world around us. This will be discussed further in the motives section below.

The key witness - the surviving security guard

The one survivor of the crash, Diana's bodyguard Trevor Rees-Jones, could possibly hold the key to what really happened. If it was merely an accident, he may be able to shed new light on what happened. However, he claims to remember nothing of the crash.

If there was a deliberate attempt to assassinate Diana, then he could well be under threat by the same assassins, so maybe he might encounter an 'accident', should he ever remember.

The Motives?

So, who could have done such a terrible thing? There is probably no shortage of possible suspects:-

The Land Mine Companies

or other people with a vested financial interest in the land mines that Diana sought so vigilantly to oppose and ban. This is certainly a strong enough motive for murder or to 'remove' someone perceived as a threat. Who knows what would be at stake for some people if a ban was to be implemented?

Don't forget that land mines are a *huge* source of income to American companies, and indeed fund many 'black' projects. Diana had successfully convinced President Clinton to sign the anti-landmines treaty (hence giving the CIA reason to murder her), yet merely three weeks after her death, he went back on his pledge.

The Government, or shadow government

Diana was increasingly becoming involved in politics, and rattling a few cages on the way. She had recently criticised the previous government and their policies and in the words of some insiders "had become a loose cannon". There are no doubt people who believed that royalty should be apart from and not involved with politics. Again, not necessarily a motive for murder, unless there is some sinister 'hidden government' somewhere behind the scenes. Oh no.... Sounds like more internet conspiracy, or is it? Do your own research? Some people have rumoured there may be a freemason link. Again, this can give more ammo to the people who claim you only read empty, half-baked conspiracy theories on the internet. However, before dismissing it totally it may be worth doing a search for Bilderbergers, Trilateral Commission, CFR, Bohemia Grove or other related secret societies, such as the Knights of Malta. Moving into other conspiracy theories here though.

The British Secret Services

Although we live in a 'free', democratic society (or like to think we do) there are still those who oppose those people of other cultures, ideas, religions or ethnic groups. If Diana loved and cared for Dodi, then that is all that should count. Not his background, religion or anything else. If two people care for each other then who are we to judge whether that is right or wrong?

However, the secret services whose job it is to protect the monarchy may not like the scenario of a future "King Mother" having muslim or Arabic links. Even the claims that she was thinking of leaving England to live elsewhere would have started alarm bells ringing in Whitehall, at the prospect of a future king of England leaving Britain to visit his mother.

If, as it has been rumoured, she was pregnant then any future child would be a half-brother of the future King; the Head of the Church of England. It doesn't take much to realise that some people may not like the thought of other scenarios that could develop.

If indeed she was pregnant, then any assassination plot would have to be carried out sooner rather than later, to hide the truth from eventually becoming visible.

The 'powers that be' had already plotted the agenda for the next few years. They knew of the impending invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq because they had to ensure their oil flow and the Trans-Afghanistan pipeline (planned since the 1980s) went ahead, despite Unocal Corp problems.

If they knew that September 11th was going to occur (and only a year prior to 9/11 the NeoCons had spoken of requiring "a catalysing event, such as a new Pearl Harbour" in order to create world change. This event gave the US the motive it needed in order to attack Afghanistan and Iraq. Can you see the implications which would have arisen if they had allowed Diana to continue her relationship with Dodi.... However, that's another conspiracy....

And don't forget that MI5 had already bungled a plot to assassinate Camilla....

Continuing to Expose the Truth....

Although a lot of the ideas expressed here are speculative or controversial, they are merely expressed as an attempt to expose the truth - if indeed, it is being hidden by 'the powers that be'.

I have put this page together not to speak ill of the dead, but out of respect and love for Diana - that her death should not be forgotten and we should uncover any hidden truths, irrespective of how painful or controversial they may be. This way, the love and goodness that she gave to the world will never be forgotten. If Diana and Dodi were in love with each other, we should celebrate and be pleased for their happiness - not passing judgement based on prejudice or fear.

As I have said, accept nothing written here as face value, fact or otherwise. In a free world, we should all do our own research, be free to ask questions and travel our own paths to the truth. If something here strikes a chord with you, investigate further, if it's far-fetched and more internet conspiracy then chuck it out.

If they were murdered by the 'establishment' then we must continue to expose the evidence, for to give up would allow them to win - and continue their agenda. We must expose the truth, irrespective of how painful it may turn out to be.

Diana and Dodi are now peacefully together in a better place. Lets search for the real truth together.

If you would like to comment, or add further information, please contact me now. All contactee details are kept 100% confidential unless you say otherwise.

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