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- UK Police accused of misusing terror laws against Muslims - Britain's police were accused Friday of misusing the country's terrorism laws against Muslims after three men were charged under criminal law for firebombing a publisher in north London. "What is surprising is that they were held under anti-terror legislation for almost a week and then charged under fire arm offences," Muslim News editor Ahmed Versi said. "It seems anti-terror laws are being used as fishing expedition," he said.
Source: Mathaba [4th Oct 2008]
- Wacky Airplane Security Idea - Force everyone to wear a bracelet that, when remotely activated, gives the person a debilitating shock. No, really. A company is trying to commercialize this idea. The mind boggles.
Source: Bruce Schneier [23rd Mar 2008]
- Entrapment FBI style - FBI posts fake hyperlinks to snare child porn suspects - The FBI has recently adopted a novel investigative technique: posting hyperlinks that purport to be illegal videos of minors having sex, and then raiding the homes of anyone willing to click on them. Undercover FBI agents used this hyperlink-enticement technique, which directed Internet users to a clandestine government server, to stage armed raids of homes in Pennsylvania, New York, and Nevada last year. The supposed video files actually were gibberish and contained no illegal images.
Source: CNET News [21st Mar 2008]
- TSA to test new thermal cameras in rail stations - Cameras that could spot suicide bombers carrying bombs strapped to their bodies will be used in a new test aimed at securing the nation's rail and bus stations.
Source: USA Today [4th Oct 2007]
- Cross Match Receives Orders of $4.4 Million for Guardian Fingerprint Scanners by UKvisas Biometrics Program - Cross Match Technologies, Inc., a global provider of biometric identity solutions, has been awarded a $4.4 million contract via the United Kingdom’s Home Office Biometrics Framework Agreement for 1,385 livescan Guardian fingerprint scanning systems, as part of its new visa program implemented by UKvisas.
Source: Cross Match Press Release [2nd Oct 2007]
- Student Zapped With Taser Caught On Tape - A University of Florida student was Tasered and arrested after trying to ask U.S. Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass., about the 2004 election and other subjects during a campus forum. Videos of the incident posted on several Web sites show officers pulling Andrew Meyer, 21, away from the microphone after he asks Kerry about impeaching President George W. Bush and whether he and Bush were both members of the secret society Skull and Bones at Yale University.
- Madeleine mother 'to be suspect' - Personally, I suspected her right from the beginning, but Kate McCann, mother of missing four-year-old Madeleine, will be declared a suspect by the Portuguese police.
- Northrop Grumman Wins U.K. Fingerprinting Job - Northrop Grumman Information Technology of Herndon won a $244 million contract to provide advanced biometric identification technology to United Kingdom law enforcement agencies. The contract, known as IDENT1, spans eight years with three additional option years. It follows on the National Automated Fingerprint Identification System contract in the United Kingdom that Northrop Grumman won in January 1995.
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