
iPAQ 5550 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q.1 - How do I perform a factory reset of my iPAQ?

Q.2 - How do I configure GPRS for T-Mobile?

Q.3 - What dialler software can I get for my GPRS modem which is Pocket Windows 2003 compatible?

Q.1 - How do I perform a factory reset of my iPAQ?

Hold down the bottom two buttons whilst pressing the reset button. Hold all three down for ten seconds then release. Then press the reset button again.

Q.2 - How do I configure GPRS for T-Mobile?

Create a new connection. by selecting a name and modem type (GPRS modem). The telephone number for T-Mobile connections should be *99#
Then enter user for the username and wap for the password.
Click on the 'advanced' tab;
Set the baud rate as fast as your GPRS connection will allow, then enter the following text into the 'Extra dial-string' entry box;
Click OK then click Finish.
All done!

Q.3 - What dialler software can I get for my GPRS modem which is Pocket Windows 2003 compatible?

The only (and best) software I've found is an application called Running Voice. Unfortunately, there is no free demo available, but the full version can be purchased from the Pocket Presence web site at

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