- Exposing the truth THEY don't want you to know

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In order to help share information and spread awareness of national and international issues, we've created a number of ways you can participate in uncovering the truth and news around the world.

There are three ways you can participate:-

  • News Alerts - These are sent out by our server whenever we add important news stories to the site. They ONLY originate from our server so you won't receive emails from any third-party. The frequency can vary from one or two a day to one or two a week, so your mailbox won't be inundated - and you can unsubscribe at any time.
  • Mailing List - This is a very low traffic list whereby your email gets posted to everyone who also subscribes to the mailing list. This is a convenient way for like-minded people to chat and discuss topics which should be of mutual interest.
  • Guestbook - A simple webpage on our server where you can leave comments and feedback about the site or issues we cover.

Irrespective of which service you decide to take part in, privacy is guaranteed and your email address will not be past onto any third-party, irrespective of reason. All messages are also guaranteed to be virus free, as my computer here will automatically strip any attachments before forwarding to the list members. You can subscribe and unsubscribe at any point, and all mailing lists are run through an automated server running in my office here. The computer is on 24 hours a day, so you can be sure of receiving bang up-to-the-minute information.

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Your email address is 100% safe and will never be disclosed to any third-party.

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Enter your email address and click 'Join' to receive the latest news snippets by email. (low traffic)


Your email address is kept totally secure and you will never receive unsolicited emails from any third-party. You can unsubscribe at any time.

This list is 'one way', which means you'll only receive emails direct from our server, with details of important news stories. No one else can post to the list so you won't get any junk or unsolicited messages appearing in your mailbox.

RSSReally Simple Syndication (RSS) Feed

If you don't wish to subscribe to our news alert service above, we offer a simultaneous RSS feed that you can subscribe to at This contains all the news alerts featured on our front page.


Leave feedback about our site or the issues it covers, or make a contact and meet new people. Please visit our guestbook at

Mailing list

This list has been setup as a discussion forum for like-minded people to post comments, ideas and thoughts to. Anyone interested in discussing suppressed information, conspiracies, global politics or cover-ups will hopefully find something of interest here.
When you post a message to this list, it will be automatically forwarded to all subscribers, so that everyone can participate in the discussion.

Guidelines for posting messages

Anyone subscribing to the list can freely post messages to the list, but please keep them suitable for family viewing, with no advertisements, unsuitable language or abuse. Although the list is un-moderated, I reserve the right to unsubscribe anyone who misuses the list or repeatedly posts unsuitable material.

Any topic covered by is allowed, as long as all messages are civilised and polite.
To avoid spammers, we don't give out the address of the list on the web page, but full details along with unsubscription details are provided in your welcome email when you initially subscribe.

To subscribe, please enter your full email address in the box below and click on the subscribe button. Assuming you entered a correct and valid email address you should receive an automated confirmation email within about ten minutes.
Your email address is kept totally confidential and will not be passed to any third party irrespective of reason or request.

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Please note that we have no control over messages posted to the True Facts Chat mailing list, simply because anyone can join and is free to post messages to it. As we merely act as a conduit to further discussion, topics aired or discussed do not necessarily reflect those of the web site owner or list maintainer and no responsibility will be accepted for the content of any messages.

This list is regularly monitored and anyone found abusing the service will be unsubscribed. However, we believe in free speech and non censorship, so as long as the topics under discussion are related to the topic of this website, NO messages posted will be censored.

If anyone is offended or has an issue with anything posted to the mailing list, please contact us and we'll examine the issue.