

WebGallery [436K]
Version:1.17 (26th Nov 2008)
Downloaded:70 times
Requirements:ABCLib 4.14 or above
RISC OS 4.02 or above
Long filenames
560K wimpslot
Handled by Digital Phenomena Ltd on my behalf


WebGallery will simply and effectively create galleries of images suitable for placing on websites.

WebGallery has been under development for a little while, being initially developed as an internal tool for my own websites, to aid the creation of photo galleries and to provide an easy and effective way of recreating web tables if an extra photo is inserted or moved. It's possibly one of the most complex applications I've written and is the culmination of several years ideas and individual utilities being incorporated into a single, comprehensive application.

WebGallery has a number of powerful features and is designed to be as flexible as possible, allowing many hundreds of permutations of effects and choices. As usual with a lot of my shareware, ease of use and range of options is extensive and as such I'm hoping this will become the definitive tool for creating online photo galleries from directories of source images. Its flexibility is unrivalled and most things can be customisable, not only via the front-end configuration settings but also via a powerful web template system (examples provided).

WebGallery has many features not seen in other web creation software and as such, represents one of the most powerful and flexible online gallery creation packages currently available for RISC OS.

To see examples of some of the galleries produced using !WebGallery, please visit the links shown below.

If you would like to register via PayPal, please click on the PayPal icon, which will be handled on my behalf by Digital Phenomena Ltd. Alternatively you can post a cheque (details in the !Help file inside the application).


Demo or Full version?

When you first download the application, it will run in a slightly restricted 'demo' version. By registering the application you will be provided with a registration code which will remove all restrictions imposed in the demo. You will also be eligible for free updates in the future.

Registered users also receive a comprehensive printed manual for WebGallery.

The demo version has the following restrictions:-

Web Tools

WebGallery forms part of my growing range of tools for making web design easier. The internet is one area where lots of users are interested in at the moment, and I'm always developing tools to make life easier for web designers, such as utilities for automating time consuming tasks.

Users of WebGallery might also be interested in WebAnim8r for creating animated graphics for web and presentation, or Webworkz for converting Fireworkz spreadsheet files into HTML pages. If you have any ideas for future applications please contact me as I'm always looking for interesting utilities to write.

Sites using WebGallery

The following sites use WebGallery for their photo/image presentations. If you're using WebGallery on your own website and would like me to link to it from here, please contact me.

They all utilise the web templating system within WebGallery, unless otherwise stated.


Showing the caption management
The Captions configuration panel.

You can add and edit your own captions to each image in your gallery. The first line of each caption will be displayed on the thumbnail index page, whereas the full caption (up to four lines) will be added to the individual image pages.

By clicking on the Rearrange button you can re-position the order in which your images appear in the gallery (see below) so that a great deal of flexibility is possible.

A small warning LED will change to red if other options set within WebGallery is likely to affect the actual output of captions in the final product - flexible controls allow you to replace captions with image filename/number or have no captions added (even though you can still edit them for possible future addition).


Drag and drop positioning
'Drag and Drop' re-arrangement of images.

By default images are displayed in the order they appear in the filer display (alphabetical). However, this may not always be the desired order you wish to display images in the final gallery. A simple 'drag and drop' interface exists so that you can drag small thumbnails around in order to move their positions.

If you drag an image, it will swap with the image in the position you 'drop' it. Alternatively, you can hold SHIFT down and drag an image. It will then get inserted in the position you drop it and all inbetween images will be shifted backwards or forwards, which makes rapid repositioning of images possible.


Batch Conversions
Use as a simple ChangeFSI 'Batch Converter'

By enabling the 'Convert images only. No web output' option in the Files panel, WebGallery will disable irrelevant panels for simplicity and act as a simple batch converter for ChangeFSI. Simply drag a directory of source images, a directory for the destination images, set the final image size and the ChangeFSI options you require, then leave WebGallery to do all the conversions.

Advantages are automatic coping of landscape/portrait sizes of images and allowing long pathnames for source and destination directories (unlike some batch converter utilities).



There are a number of known limitations, which will be listed here. These are not bugs but moreover design limitations.

Known Bugs

WebGallery is a very complex application which allows possibly 1000s of different permutations of options, depending upon which things you've turned on or off.
Although it's designed to be simple and take the pain out of creating web sites manually, it's always possible that it may get confused and create unexpected output. If this happens, please try to remember the exact sequence of events that you did prior to it going wrong.

It's possible that if WebGallery crashes whilst processing images, some files may be left open. You can close any open files by using my !CloseFiles utility, available free from
Again, please report any files being left open.

To Do List


  · Pic_Indexby John Williams
An application for automating the process of making a thumbnail index for a set of JPEGs which could be used on websites or CD Roms to store and index photographic images.
  · Webgen2by Dave Stratford
A similar application for generating galleries from directories of indexes, but with slightly fewer configuration options.

More RISC OS software can be found at


Click here to view a detailed history of WebGallery versions.

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