
Section 6 - !Fresco

Q6.1) Does !Fresco support frames?
Q6.2) Does !Fresco support Java?
Q6.3) Can I disable !Java?
Q6.4) When will !Fresco support JavaScript?
Q6.5) When will !Fresco support plug-ins for Shockwave, RealAudio, PDF, VRML, etc?
Q6.6) When will !Fresco work with secure online banking and shopping services?
Q6.7) I've heard that using a web proxy could help to speed up !Fresco, what exactly is this?
Q6.8) Some files downloaded with !Fresco appear as meaningless text in the window and don't display the normal Save as window when completed.
Q6.9) I cannot access any pages outside my own service provider's web site.
Q6.10) I cannot access any pages at all.
Q6.11) How can I change the width of a !Fresco window?
Q6.12) When I save a page and use either With images or All frames, I get the error message MimeMap not loaded
Q6.13) How can I run files as soon as they are downloaded?
Q6.14) I've just entered a valid User name and Password in an Authorisation window, yet !Fresco reports The type of authorisation requested by the server is not supported.

Q6.1) Does !Fresco support frames?

!Fresco includes support for frames. Please download the most recent version from the Inet upgrades page.

Q6.2) Does !Fresco support Java?

!Fresco includes support for the implementation of Java developed by Acorn. Please contact your local Acorn dealer about obtaining a copy of the RisCafe Update Disc.
Once the software is installed, !Fresco will automatically use it as needed.

Q6.3) Can I disable !Java?

Create an Obey file with the following commands:
Unset Plugin$Type_AE4
Unset Plugin$About_AE4
Unset Alias$@PluginType_AE4
Set _Java$Status Off

To re-enable !Java, create a second Obey file:
If "<Java$Dir>" =  "" then Error Please locate !Java.
If "<Plugin$About_AE4>" <> "" then Error !Java is already enabled.
If "<_Java$Status>" <> "Off" then Error !Java has not been disabled.
Run <Java$Dir>.!Boot
Set _Java$Status On

These two files, ideally called Java_OFF and Java_ON, can then be run as and when required.
Alternatively, download a copy of my AntUtils from, which contains two easy to use menu commands to turn Java on or off.

Q6.4) When will !Fresco support JavaScript?

Version 2.00 and above already include support for Javascript. The latest version is currently 2.13, which you can download from the Inet upgrades page if you already have version 2.02 or above. If you have a version prior to 2.00, you should contact RISCOS Ltd for details on how to upgrade.

Q6.5) When will !Fresco support plug-ins for Shockwave, RealAudio, PDF, VRML, etc?

Plug-ins which support the Acorn Plug-in Protocol will work with !Fresco. More information about plug-ins and availability will be provided here as they are released.
Developers wishing to support this API within their own applications should read the Functional Specification on

Q6.6) When will !Fresco work with secure online banking and shopping services?

To support secure transactions ANT produced a replacement HTTP module for !Fresco which includes support for 40 bit or 128 bit SSL. This is available to download from the Inet upgrades page.

Q6.7) I've heard that using a web proxy could help to speed up !Fresco. What exactly is this?

A proxy is something or someone who performs an action on your behalf. A web proxy retrieves web pages for you, often keeping a local copy itself so anyone else asking for them can use its local copy, rather than having to fetch the original page again. In general, the use of a web proxy will give you faster response time, better throughput and place less traffic on the Internet than not using a proxy.
Please check with your ISP to see if they offer or can recommend a web proxy, then follow the instructions on page 7-24 of the manual to configure !Fresco to use it.

Q6.8) Some files downloaded with !Fresco appear as meaningless text in the window and don't display the normal Save as window when completed.

Once the file has been downloaded you can save it using any one of the following methods:

This is also covered on page 7-31 of the manual.
If you know in advance you want to save the file to disc, hold down SHIFT when clicking on the link. This will open a Save as window; you can then specify where you want to save the file before the download starts.

Q6.9) I cannot access any pages outside my own service provider's web site.

Some service providers offer system called a walled garden. This allows the provider to restrict access to web sites that are deemed to be unsuitable for whatever reason.
With such service providers, !Fresco must be configured to use the proxy server specified by your service provider.
Service providers known to operate this system at time of writing are Campus World and SingNet.

Q6.10) I cannot access any pages at all.

If mail and news transfers are also affected, please follow the steps in Refining your configuration.
Check that you are online and that you can ping your service provider. Details on how to use !Ping are included in section 11.2 of the manual.
If only !Fresco appears not to work, check its proxy settings; entering incorrect details for a proxy server can result in not be able to access any sites.

Q6.11) How can I change the width of a !Fresco window?

This is covered in the documentation supplied with !Fresco, specifically in !

Q6.12) When I save a page and use either With images or All frames, I get the error message MimeMap not loaded

Please see the !WebTool section of the FAQ for more details on how to fix this problem.

Q6.13) How can I run files as soon as they are downloaded?

Please do the following:
  1. If you haven't already done so, Select Save from within the Fresco choices window.
  2. Quit !Fresco.
  3. Shift double-click on the !Fresco icon and create a text file with the name Runables. (This file may already exist).
    The !Fresco.Runables file contains a list of file types which !Fresco will automatically try to run when they are downloaded.
    An example !Fresco.Runables file could contain the following:

  4. Save the file and restart !Fresco.


Q6.14) I've just entered a valid User name and Password in an Authorisation window, yet !Fresco reports The type of authorisation requested by the server is not supported.

!Fresco currently only supports the basic authentication scheme. You'll need to contact the webmaster of the site, asking if they can enable this.

Q6.15) When I view a cached page, some of the images appear to be from another unrelated page.

The most likely reason for this is the cache being used by !Fresco is broken. Please do the following to fix the problem before reloading the application:
  1. Click Menu on the !Fresco icon and select Choices.
  2. Select Files and cache and ensure the Maximum number of files is set to at least 100, and Limit disc cache to is set to 0.
  3. Click on Set, Save and OK.
  4. Quit !Fresco.
  5. Inside !Scrap, delete all directories called Fresco.

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