
Section 15 - Third party software

The RISC OS Internet Suite can be used with a wide range of networking software in the public domain or available from other companies. This area contains links to useful free and shareware packages, as well as demonstration versions of commercial programs.

If there are particular packages that you find useful in conjunction with the Suite, please contact ANT Support so that I can add the details here.

The programs in this area are not ANT products, and I cannot offer technical support in using them - please contact the company or author directly.

Email & News
ArcFaxCommericalUse your computer as a fax machine and answering machine. Also supports Zmodem file transfer and viewing TIFF files created using the Demon Internet DFAX service.
AttacherFreewareUU and MIME file encoder/decoder. Handles split and multiple files, too.
AutoCryptFreewarePGP support
BWAntBotCommercialVarious mailing list facilities including moderation, subscription and unsubscription, together with support for acknowledgement, vacation and receipt handling.
IMAPUserFreewareFor LAN users only, not required for !Marcel 1.26 or later
Mail-LockFreewareEncrypt mail folders
MajordomoFreewareMailing list server.
MBoxTidyFreewareRemoves excess header fields from !Marcel mail folders. If you want !InetSuite to do this automatically for all new emails, please follow the steps in !InetSuite.Resources.Help.mail/html
news2antFreewareConverts Newsbase batch files for use with ANT Internet Suite news spool.
PreDeliverFreewareTo configure !InetSuite 1.24 or later to do this, please see the !Marcel (email) section of the FAQ.
QeditFreewareAllows you to edit and remove mail and news messages you have sent before you connect to your ISP.
Random cookiesFreewareAdds random fortune cookies to email and news signatures. Requires !Marcel 1.26 or later.
SigletFreewareRandom signatures
SignaturesFreewareRandom signatures and/or taglines
Plugins & File viewers
EasiReaderCommercialView and print Microsoft Word documents.
MovieFSCommercial.AVI, .MOV, .FLI, & .FLC movies, .WAV, .WVE & .VOC audio files.
SoundConFreewareLots of foreign sound sample formats
PDFFreewareAdobe Acrobat .PDF files.
WWW page tools
DDF2HtmlFreewareCreate HTML pages from text or Impression DDF files.
HTML³FreewareHTML macro inserter.
HTMLcheckFreewareHTML validator (using a port of the sgmls SGML parser).
HTMLEditCommericalCreating and editing WWW pages.
InterGifFreewareConvert between RISC OS sprites and GIF images, with masks and/or interlacing and GIF animations.
ValidatorFreewareHTML validator.
Call costers
InetPhonePublic Domain
SparkFSCommercialRead & write many different archive types
PackDirFreewareExtremely fast file archiver. !PackDir archives created can also be read using !SparkFS
AntUtilsFreewareTimed fetching of mail whilst online (avoids having to set up task alarms using !Alarm), timed random cookies to be appended to your signature line, etc...
Teletext+CommercialTeletext viewer with sophisticated page cacheing and searching. Launches URLs from Teletext pages when they are clicked.
TickerFreewareBBC News Online Ticker.

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