
Section 4 - !Marcel (email)

Q4.1) When I run !Marcel and try to connect to Email, I get the error Unknown host '<name>'.
Q4.2) When I try to send an email I get the error c-client: Unknown error <number> for host <name>
Q4.3) How can I send an email?
Q4.4) !InetSuite will not fetch mail from my POP3 account, why is this?
Q4.5) My computer sometimes freezes when I click on Send in a Send mail window.
Q4.6) When I download my email I don't see it in !Marcel.
Q4.7) How can I send one email to many addresses?
Q4.8) Why do I sometimes see emails with =09, =3D, etc?
Q4.9) How can I check that an email has been sent?
Q4.10) When I email files to PC users they tell me they can't access them.
Q4.11) When I send emails to other people who are members of the same ISP, they don't leave my computer.
Q4.12) Is there any way of confirming an email I've sent has been received OK?
Q4.13) When I run !Marcel I get the error message File 'System:Modules.OLESupport' not found
Q4.14) I've got multiple email addresses with my ISP and my mail is downloaded OK but it is delivered to a single local user.
Q4.15) When I try and read my email I get the error message Local user '<user>' does not exist.
Q4.16) When I try and read my email I get the error message Can't login due to bad user name/password.
Q4.17) How can I specify the Reply-To: header for outgoing messages?
Q4.18) What keyboard shortcuts are available in !Marcel?
Q4.19) The InetSuite session window tells me mail is being correctly delivered to a local user but I don't see it when I use !Marcel.
Q4.20) When I click on Send in a Send mail window, I see the message Cannot write to file '<Wimp$ScrapDir>.scratch'.
Q4.21) What does c-client: Could not access selected mailbox. mean?
Q4.22) I've seen the error Can't view message (bad format). Please use Message->Bounce to send a copy of this message to when trying to read an email.
Q4.23) I can get my <user>@<my-domain-name> email, but messages sent to <something>@<domain-name-belonging-to-isp> are never seen.
Q4.24) I've got or wish to obtain a site licence of !Marcel. How can I use it on a LAN with many users?

Q4.1) When I run !Marcel and try to connect to Email, I get the error Unknown host '<name>'.

This error occurs when !Marcel has been configured to read mail from a remote IMAP server but you are currently offline. To change this:
  1. Choose Choices from !Marcel's icon bar menu.
  2. Click on Mail setup.
  3. Ensure that the IMAP server is set to localhost
  4. Click on Close.
  5. Click on Save in the Choices window.

Now try reading your mail again.

Q4.2) When I try to send an email I get the error c-client: Unknown error <number> for host <name>

This error occurs when !Marcel has been configured to send mail to a remote SMTP server but you are currently offline. To change this:
  1. Choose Choices from !Marcel's icon bar menu.
  2. Click on Mail setup.
  3. Ensure that the SMTP server is set to localhost
  4. Click on Close.
  5. Click on Save in the Choices window.

Now try sending mail again.

Q4.3) How can I send an email?

You need to be able to read email before you can send some. Please follow these steps (which are also covered in sections 5.5 and 5.8 of the manual):
  1. Open the main ANT Internet Suite applications panel and double-click on Email & News.
  2. Click on the grey !Marcel icon on the icon bar. By default this will open a Connect to mail server window.
  3. Click on Connect. You should now see the INBOX folder displayed in the middle of the screen.

To create an email prior to sending it please do the following (also covered in section 5.7 of the manual):
  1. Adjust-click on the red !Marcel icon to open a Send mail window.
  2. Type in the email address you want to send the email To and the Subject of the email.
  3. Click on Editor. This will open a new window with your signature. (Details on how to edit the default signature can be found on page 5-8 of the manual.)
  4. Type your message in the window making sure it is above the signature.
  5. When finished, close the editor window. You'll be asked to save the file; simply accept the default and click on OK.
  6. Click on Send in the Send mail window.

If you are connecting to the Internet via a modem you may wish to follow the steps in section 4.5 of the manual to transfer mail as soon as you connect to the ISP.

Q4.4) !InetSuite will not fetch mail from my POP3 account, why is this?

There are several possibilities but the two main reasons are that your POP3 mail account uses a different password to that which you use to login to your service provider or that the POP3 server to which you are trying to connect is based on code which does not support a feature called command buffering.
In the first case, you must do the following;
  1. Open the main ANT Internet Suite applications panel and double-click on Configuration.
  2. Click on the Mail setup icon in the Internet Suite configuration window.
  3. Double-click on the line whose Options field reads <POP3. This will open the Mail account window.
  4. Enter your email fetching password in the Password field and click on Set.
  5. Click on Close in the Mail setup window.
  6. Click on Save in the main Internet Suite configuration window.

Now try connecting to your service provider and fetching your mail.
Where the mail server to which you are trying to connect does not support command buffering, repeat steps 1 to 3 from above but in the Mail account window, append the suffix /ucb to the Server name. Once this is done:
  1. Click on Set in the Mail account window.
  2. Click on Close in the Mail setup window.
  3. Click on Save in the Internet Suite configuration window.


Q4.5) My computer sometimes freezes when I click on Send in a Send mail window.

This is a known problem specific to !Marcel version 1.26 and RISC OS 3.1.
Please visit the Upgrading section of the FAQ for details on how to upgrade your software.

Q4.6) When I download my email I don't see it in !Marcel.

Downloaded mail should appear in your INBOX when either,

If mail has been downloaded and has yet to be delivered, select Transfer -> Deliver mail from the !InetSuite menu. This process should happen automatically after a few seconds - if it doesn't, check that DeliverAuto is set to ON within !InetSuite.Internet.Files.!InetMail

Q4.7) How can I send one email to many addresses?

If it's just a few addresses, you can create one alias in the !Marcel address book which is a string of other email addresses and/or aliases. You can use this alias just like any other within !Marcel.
If you want to create a longer list, try the following:
  1. Invent an email address, e.g. mailing-list@localhost
  2. Create a text file which contains a list of email addresses you want to send emails to, each address separated either by a comma or new line.
  3. In the Mail aliases, mailing lists and filters window within !InetConfg, add the following entry:
    Addressed to: mailing-list
    Remailed to: <drag text file into here>
    Private mailing list: <tick this box>
  4. In !Marcel, to send to the list, email the message to mailing-list@localhost
    This last step may generate an error message when you click on Send but it can be safely ignored.

When received, the email will look as if it has been sent to mailing-list@localhost but will be BCC'd to everyone in the list.
This second method requires !Marcel to be used with a local user configured for offline use. If you're using !Marcel with a remote IMAP server on a LAN then you will need to contact the Postmaster of your LAN for details on using a mailing list server.

Q4.8) Why do I sometimes see emails with =09, =3D, etc?

If people at the other end get mail with those characters in them, it is because their email package doesn't support MIME.
In the Send mail window try sending them the message with UUencode encoding rather than MIME.

Q4.9) How can I check that an email has been sent?

This can be done in two ways:

It is strongly recommended that you do not edit the contents of !InetSuite.Internet.Spool.Queue directly; any changes made may leave the message in a state which the mail server will not accept and, unless deleted, may prevent the Suite from sending additional messages.


Q4.10) When I email files to PC users they tell me they can't access them.

Before attaching the file to the email message you need to do two things:
  1. Ensure the file name is of the correct format.
    For example, a ZIP format archive created using !SparkFS would need to include the suffix /ZIP
  2. Change the type of the file to DOS (FE4).
    Details on how to do this can be found in the RISC OS User Guide.


Q4.11) When I send emails to other people who are members of the same ISP, they don't leave my computer.

One reason for this is the Host name in the Provider setup window within !InetConfg is not set correctly. To amend this please do the following:
  1. Load the Configuration application, !InetConfg.
  2. Select Provider setup.
  3. From the IS Provider menu, select a different one.
  4. Reselect your original IS Provider.
  5. Ensure the Host name is prefixed with your Login name.
  6. Click on Close and Save.
  7. Quit and reload !InetSuite.


Q4.12) Is there any way of confirming an email I've sent has been received OK?

Please do the following:
  1. Select Choices from the !Marcel menu.
  2. Click on Edit headers
  3. Underneath the X-Organization header, add a new header line of the form:
    Return-Receipt-To: email-address
    Where email-address corresponds to the email address you want the confirmation emails sent to.
  4. Save the file.

This is not supported by all ISPs and is not a guarantee that the email has been downloaded or read once it has arrived.


Q4.13) When I run !Marcel I get the error message File 'System:Modules.OLESupport' not found

Please do the following:
  1. Quit any currently running applications.
  2. Create a temporary directory, e.g. Temp, and reinstall the software from the original discs into the temporary directory.
  3. At the end of the installation, select Quit from the !InetSuite menu.
  4. Delete the temporary directory.
  5. Shut down and restart your computer.


Q4.14) I've got multiple email addresses with my ISP and my mail is downloaded OK but it is delivered to a single local user.

There are three possibilities. In each case you'll need to load !InetConfg and open the Mail setup window.
In addition you must ensure there are as many different local users as there are email addresses you want to keep separate. Details on how to create local users can be found in the manual, from page 4-18 onwards.
Mail fetched by !InetSuite using SMTP
Click on Mail aliases/filters and follow the steps in the manual starting on page 4-16 to add entries to the Mail aliases, mailing lists and filters window of the form:
Addressed to: example-one
Remailed to: Address list
Below the Remailed to option, either select from the Menu icon the local user(s) you want to receive the mail, or type them in directly.
Note the Addressed to option doesn't contain the full email address - only the part before the @
Mail fetched by !InetSuite from multiple POP3 (, POP2 or IMAP) accounts
Make as many copies of your existing <POP3 entry as are required. For each copy you will need to enter the Server name, User and Password. In addition, you'll need to select from the Mail to menu the local user you want the mail to be delivered to.
Ensure the User and Password are different for each entry.
Mail fetched by !InetSuite from a single POP3 (, POP2 or IMAP) account
  1. Double-click on the <POP3 entry.
  2. In the new Mail account window, ensure the Mail to entry is empty. Once done, click on Set.
  3. Open the Local users window and compare the contents of it and the Mail setup window; any local users with the same name as any of the entries in the User column within the Mail setup window must be changed.
  4. Follow the steps in !InetSuite.Resources.Help.mail/html under SMTP envelope expansion. If your ISP enables you to do this then use it and follow the steps for Mail fetched by !InetSuite using SMTP.

If neither of these are available or you wish to further refine the configuration, please look at !InetSuite.Resources.Help.mta/html for details on Offline mail filtering & configuration.

Q4.15) When I try and read my email I get the error message Local user '<user>' does not exist.

Please do the following:
  1. From !Marcel's menu select Email
  2. In the Connect to mail server window, select the Local user you wish to use for reading email.
  3. Ensure the User name is the same as the Local user.
  4. Click on Connect
  5. Select Choices from the !Marcel menu.
  6. From the Mail setup window, correct the User name.
  7. Click on Close, Save and OK.


Q4.16) When I try and read my email I get the error message Can't login due to bad user name/password.

Please do the following:
  1. From !Marcel's menu select Email
  2. In the Connect to mail server window, select the Local user you wish to use for reading email.
  3. Ensure the password is the same as the one for the local user in the Local users window within !InetConfg. Note that both will be hidden with dashes.
    If the two do not match or you are unsure:
    1. Double-click on the appropriate Local user in !InetConfg.
    2. Change the password to something you can remember.
    3. Click on Set, Close and Save
    4. Shut down and restart the computer.
    5. Reload !InetSuite and !Marcel.

  4. From !Marcel's menu select Email
  5. In the Connect to mail server window, select the Local user you wish to use for reading email.
  6. Ensure the Password is the same as the one for the Local user you modified in !InetConfg.
  7. Click on Connect
  8. Select Choices from the !Marcel menu.
  9. From the Mail setup window, correct the Password.
  10. Click on Close, Save and OK.


Q4.17) How can I specify the Reply-To: header for outgoing messages?

Please see !Marcel.Resources.Help.rc/html for details on user.replyto.

Q4.18) What keyboard shortcuts are available in !Marcel?

These are documented in !Marcel.Resources.Help.mail/html.
To display keyboard shortcuts in !Marcel menus, please see !Marcel.Resources.Help.rc/html for details on enabling core.shortcuts.

Q4.19) The InetSuite session window tells me mail is being correctly delivered to a local user but I don't see it when I use !Marcel.

There is some form of corruption in the folder; !Marcel is only able to see what is contained in the folder up to that point.
Please read all the steps below before doing any of the following to isolate the problem whilst continuing to work with as much email as possible:
If the affected mail folder is INBOX
  1. Quit !Marcel if it is running.
  2. In the Mail directory for the affected local user, rename INBOX to INold.
  3. Use your text editor to create a new empty file called INBOX and save it into the Mail directory.
  4. Use the Filer menu to change the file type to B86.
  5. Reload !Marcel.
  6. Move all the messages you can see in the INold to INBOX.

If the affected mail folder is not INBOX
  1. Move all the messages you can see in the affected mail folder to TempFolder.
  2. Rename the affected mail folder to Temp2.
  3. Rename TempFolder to the original name of the affected folder.

You should now have a folder, whether it be INold or Temp2, which appears to be empty according to !Marcel. If you're viewing the folder using !Marcel close it, then send a copy of the folder from the Mail directory to ANT Support.

Q4.20) When I click on Send in a Send mail window, I see the message Cannot write to file '<Wimp$ScrapDir>.scratch'.

Please do the following:
  1. Quit all applications and close all open windows.
  2. Press F12.
  3. Type Filer_OpenDir <Wimp$ScrapDir> and press RETURN twice. In Desktop a new Filer window should be visible. Delete all files and directories inside it.
  4. Shut down and restart your computer.


Q4.21) What does c-client: Could not access selected mailbox. mean?

The Internet Suite is attempting to deliver mail to the mail folder you're currently viewing. Please wait until the mail delivery has completed; you should then be able to continue accessing the mail folder.
If the new mail does not appear, please follow the steps in section 4.19 of the FAQ.


Q4.22) I've seen the error Can't view message (bad format). Please use Message->Bounce to send a copy of this message to when trying to read an email.

If you see this message while mail is being delivered to a local user, e.g. when the Local mail delivery window is open, or there are mta lines in the InetSuite session window, please wait until the mail delivery has completed before attempting to read the message again.
If you see this message when there is no mail being delivered, please make a copy of the mail folder and email it to ANT Support so we can investigate the problem further.

Q4.23) I can get my <user>@<my-domain-name> email, but messages sent to <something>@<domain-name-belonging-to-isp> are never seen.

From the Mail setup window within !InetConfg, click on Mail aliases/filters and follow the steps in the manual starting on page 4-16 to add entries to the Mail aliases, mailing lists and filters window of the form:
Addressed to: something@domain-name-belonging-to-isp
Remailed to: Address list
Below the Remailed to option, either select from the Menu icon the local user(s) you want to receive the mail, or type them in directly.

Q4.24) I've got or wish to obtain a site licence of !Marcel. How can I use it on a LAN with many users?

Please do the following:
  1. Using an existing installation, tailor the details for the 'root' user. This would include a generic address book, signature, headers, etc.
  2. Copy the !MarcelDir for local user 'root' to a separate location.
  3. Look at !MarcelDir.Files./marcelrc and ensure that all occurrences of 'root' are removed, and and user.from are both set to "".
  4. Modify the last line of !MarcelDir.!Run so it Filer_Run's !Marcel instead of using a Filer_OpenDir command.

This generic !MarcelDir can then be used by individuals - once they've made their own local copy.
You'll also need to use the configuration application, !InetConfg, to do the following in the Local users window:
  1. Ensure Default mail user is ticked.
  2. Ensure there is no Default mail user specified.
  3. Untick Default mail user.
  4. Save the updated configuration, then shut down and restart the computer.

It is advised that you ensure this works for one local user before allowing all individuals to tailor their own copies of !MarcelDir. If you need to make any changes, please see !Marcel.Resources.Help.rc/html for more information.

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