ANT Application Notes
The documentation given in these pages is primarily of a technical nature, and is not a replacement for either the manual supplied with the Internet Suite, or the Internet Suite FAQ which answers many common questions that our support department is asked.
Although I regularly review the documentation provided here, I offer no warranty either express or implied with respect to the InetSuite software or documentation, its quality, performance, or fitness for a particular purpose. As a result these documents are made available 'as is' and in using them you are assuming the entire risk as to their quality and suitability.
Application Notes
- URL broadcast mechanism
"When an application wishes for a URL to be opened but does not know how to, it should broadcast a WIMP message, falling back to a *URLOpen_<scheme>
- DNS resolver module SWI interface
"The Resolver relocatable module provides the following SWI calls for use by network applications wishing to perform DNS/Hosts file name lookups."
- MIME encoding of RISCOS files
"Defines a standard MIME content-subtype for adding RISCOS file attachments to email messages."
- Mapping between MIME types and RISCOS filetypes
"The MimeMap module provides a central service for mapping between RISC OS file types, MIME content types and 'dot' extensions to file names."
- Fresco Plug-In Protocol
"Provided by Acorn's website, the Acorn Plug-In Protocol for writing RISC OS applications that can run inside a web browser HTML page."
Source code
- URL launcher - BASIC
Example program that launches a URL for other applications to pick up on. Spark archive [2200 bytes].
- DNS examples - BASIC
Set of example programs to use the DNS resolver module. Spark archive [1810 bytes].
- Mail delivery program - C
Source to the !InetSuite.Internet.Bin.Deliver program to demonstrate use of processing email with extensions to the !InetSuite application. Spark archive [6332 bytes].
Other documents
- InetSuite Support
Product registration, free product upgrades, Internet Suite FAQ, customer mailing lists & contacting InetSuite support (email & fax).
- Third party packages
The RISC OS Internet Suite can be used with a wide range of networking software in the public domain or available from other companies. These pages list useful PD/shareware packages, and demonstration versions of commercial programs.
- Registered URLs, and URL Compatible Applications
List of URL schemes registered, and the RISCOS applications that can use them. This includes both commercial and PD/shareware packages.
- Internet Filetypes & icons
Internet-related RISCOS filetypes, with their icons.
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