I've setup this page to give a brief summary of what online banking services work and don't work with which RISC OS browsers.
I don't have a copy of WebsterXL and as I don't use Internet Banking myself, I've not been able to verify a lot of the results shown here. If any users can offer additional feedback, I would be very grateful and will update this page accordingly.
The good news is that NetSurf, the open source web browser project has come such a long way since first released, that it's now becoming a serious contender and allowing access to more banks.
What you need
All online banking will (or should) require 128 bit SSL (secure sockets layer) encryption, so ensure that your brower can cope with this. Most browser now come with this built-in but an upgrade exists for Fresco version 2.13 (available from http://www.vigay.com/inet/upgrades.html) if you require it.
Oregano, WebsterXL, NetSurf and Firefox should have 128 bit SSL built-in.
A tick indicates that someone has confirmed a site as working ok, or at least usable. A cross indicates that a site doesn't work with a particular browser and a blank entry indicates the status as 'unknown'.
Bank/Financial Institution | Notes | Fresco 2.13 | Oregano 1.10 | Oregano 2 | Webster XL | NetSurf | Firefox 1 | Firefox 2 |
Abbey | They advise you to upgrade to the latest versions of MSIE or Netscape!! Doesn't appear to work at all since they've upgraded (downgraded!!) their site. | |||||||
Alliance & Leicester | Graphics can appear all over the place, but should be usable. | |||||||
American Express | You cannot log in via the 'Check and Manage Your Accounts' link on the Homepage. You must login via the 'Online Services' then 'Log in to My Account' links. | |||||||
Bank of Scotland | Some display issues with viewing statements but nothing major. Bit slow with Firefox, but should work ok. | |||||||
Barclaycard | A bit slow when using Oregano 1, but appears to work ok. | |||||||
Barclays | Seems to be about the best so far If you encounter problems entering the first page, you may need to enter the following command from the command prompt; *sysctl -ew net.inet.tcp.rfc1644=0 (you may wish to load this permanently to your !Boot sequence, by adding a line to the Choices:Internet.User file). | |||||||
Cahoot | ||||||||
Citibank | ||||||||
Cooperative Bank | Have recently updated their site and I've received reports that it now works ok with RISC OS browers, but display positioning is messed up. | |||||||
Egg | ||||||||
First Direct | Badly designed site makes incorrect use of Javascript and extensive use of Java. | |||||||
Halifax | Scripting deficiencies won't allow transactions (bill payments, transfers) | |||||||
HSBC | Just about works with NetSurf, but colour makes some buttons almost unreadable so you need to know layout. Should work with O2 with scripting turned off. | |||||||
INGdirect | ||||||||
Bank/Financial Institution | Notes | Fresco 2.13 | Oregano 1.10 | Oregano 2 | Webster XL | NetSurf | Firefox 1 | Firefox 2 |
LloydsTSB | Faking set to Mozilla 4.0 or above, MSIE 4 or above and Win98 works. Slight formatting problems in O1 but appears to work ok. Slow!! Apparently, faking set to Oregano 1.10 also works. | |||||||
MBNA | ||||||||
Morgan Stanley | ||||||||
Nationwide | The secret is to use the PDA site at Nationwide Mobile Banking - Sign On or set browser faking to Netscape 4.72 | |||||||
NatWest | If you wish to complain, the NetWest Online banking helpline number is 0845 6050789 or, to save the phone bill, 0800 3280211 | |||||||
One Account | Javascript won't work with Fresco | |||||||
PayPal | The online payment processor | |||||||
Royal Bank of Scotland | They appear to have updated their site, and I've received reports that it now works ok with Fresco. | |||||||
Sharepeople (part of AmEx) | ||||||||
Smile | Set faking to Explorer 5.5 | |||||||
Woolwich | If you wish to complain, they have a response form at http://www.woolwich.co.uk/response.htm | |||||||
Overseas | ||||||||
ANZ (New Zealand) | Usual drivel about requiring Windows and MSIE etc | |||||||
ASB (New Zealand) | ||||||||
Argenta (Belgium) | Layout is not 100% ok but all transactions can be done. | |||||||
Banco Popular (Spain) | Requires Javascript though. | |||||||
Commonwealth Bank Australia | ||||||||
Challenge, aka WestPac (Australia/New Zealand) | Works with faking set to Mozilla 5.01/MSIE 5.00/Win '98 | |||||||
Credit Agricole (France) | ||||||||
Direktanlage (Austria) | ||||||||
Fortis (Belgium) | ||||||||
HBOS (Bankwest) (Australia) | "Written for IE as everyone used or had access to it." | |||||||
Hypo Tirol Bank (Austria) | ||||||||
La Banque Postale (France) | ||||||||
NBNZ (New Zealand) | ||||||||
Orange County Teachers Federal Credit Union (California) | Table rendering looks better in Fresco though) | |||||||
Valley Credit Union (USA) |
A lot of banks seem to be rather blinkered in their view that if you're not using Microsoft Windows you're not wanted as a customer. The best solution would be to vote with your feet (or mouse button) and boycott them by registering with an alternative bank. As most are competing for customers, it's in their own interests to fix their website in order to attract the greatest number of customers.
If you think you might convince them to fix their badly designed web sites, please feel free to point them to my Fresco Specification page.
I hope to make available a range of standard letters of complaint that people can use as templates to either email or write to their own bank if it doesn't have an open-standards compliant website. This way, banks with badly designed websites may consider fixing faults to prevent their customers considering a move to an alternative bank - which, in this day and age of competition and less customer loyalty I'd have thought banks would be trying to avoid!
Hopefully, this page will become a central repository of internet banking details for RISC OS users. If you have any additional experiences, either with banks listed above, or new ones I don't have listed, please contact me and I will update this page.
Last edit: 10th Apr 2016 at 1:55pm |
| Viewed 18758 times since 23rd Feb 2006, |
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