
Acorn Access / OmniClient / AUN,Acorn Access / OmniClient / AUN

Version 1.03d (07 August 1998)

This document assumes that you are using version 1.31 of !InetSuite. If you are using an earlier version, please go to my InetSuite upgrades page.

If you're using Acorn Access, OmniClient or an AUN network with !InetSuite then please follow the steps below.

  1. Determine which version of Internet is already being used.
    1. Restart your machine while holding down SHIFT to bypass your normal startup sequence.
    2. Press F12 and type *ROMModules
      This produces a long list of modules and version numbers; the important one will look like:
       89 System ROM  Internet                5.02    Active
      In this example we're using 'Internet 5.xx'
      If you have more than one reference to the Internet module, use the one with the highest version number.
      Once done, press RETURN to go back to Desktop.
  2. Configure the Suite to use the appropriate version of the Internet module.
    1. At the bottom of !InetSuite.Internet.Files.!InetConfg there should be two lines like this:
      #  Internet version 5.xx? (ON/OFF)
    2. If you're using Internet 5.xx ensure this is set to ON, if you're using 4.xx then change it to OFF.
  3. Update the configuration files used by !InetSuite.
    1. Load the configuration application !InetConfg.
    2. Previous instructions from ANT indicated that LAN (Local Area Network) needed to be selected. This should only be selected if you are using TCP/IP on your LAN.
    3. Click on Save.
  4. Re-enabling MbufManager if necessary.
    Press F12 and type *Unplug If you see a reference to 'MbufManager', please type *RMInsert MbufManager followed by RETURN to return to Desktop. It is safe to ignore any error messages which may be displayed.
  5. Removing redundant Hosts file entries.
    If you followed previous instructions from ANT to include entries in !InetSuite.Internet.Files.Hosts, please disable them by inserting a # character at the beginning of each line.
    It is important that the entry corresponding to is not changed.
  6. Enabling AUN
    Unless you are using a TCP/IP-based LAN, no changes are required.
  7. Using the updated configuration of the Suite.
    Please shut down and restart your computer.

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Last edit: 10th Apr 2016 at 1:56pm
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