
PILGRIMAGE to THE HOLY LAND, March 1978 (page 4)

Sunday 19th - Palm Sunday

We had to get up very early today as we were leaving Jerusalem. We drove to the New City of Jerusalem and saw the Israel Museum shaped like the top of a Dead Sea bottle which the Scrolls were in. In it are the Dead Sea Scrolls.

We drove past the Knesset which is the Israel Parliament building. We drove past the Menorah (a giant seven branched candlestick) which is the emblem of Israel. We passed the second Wailing Wall (as the guide called it) - the Income tax office.

We then left Jerusalem. And soon got into the Wilderness again as we were going to our next hotel in Tiberias.

We drove along the Jordan Valley which was very hot. We could see across the border and into Jordan. We saw storks flying about.

The land was very fertile because the Jews had built Kibbutzim there and watered it a lot.

Our first stop was at Megiddo where King Solomon fortified the town and had some stables. There are lots of layers of civilisation. We saw some big lizards.

Then went down 183 steps to an underground tunnel where a very old water system was. At the time it was built there was no water in the city so they had to go out of the city to get it. So they built a tunnel so that they would be protected.

When we came out of the tunnel there were lots of little yellow flowers and Frances and I saw a big lizard.


We got in the coach and drove to Nazareth where we had dinner in a lovely hotel. We had a meat meal but Frances only wanted a cheese sandwich but as the Jews don't mix meat with dairy produce she had to sit on another table to have it.


After dinner we sat in the gardens and watched the fish in a little pond. When about an hour had passed we drove to the town of Nazareth and went to see the Church of Annunciation, the place where Mary lived. Then we went to the Church of Saint Joseph and saw the place where Joseph had his carpenter shop.

On the way back to the coach Mummy and Frances had a ride on a donkey all down the main street. When we got back to the coach an Arab boy was selling drinks so we all had a drink.

We then drove to our hotel in Tiberias via Cana, the place of Jesus's first miracle (the changing of the water into wine). I leant out of the window and picked some leaves.

Our hotel in Tiberias was lovely. Our rooms, as Daddy and I shared and Mummy and Frances shared, had balconies over-looking the Sea of Galilee.

Oleander flowers




Sunrise over the Sea of Galilee


Sea of Galilee


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