
Clearing old Emails from Voyager

Posty, the email system within Voyager, was never really intended to cope with today's volume of email traffic, so can get a bit cumbersome to use if you have more than a couple of hundred email messages stored in it.

If you regularly receive lots of emails and/or wish to keep archives of high volumes of email, I would advise switching over to using Pluto, which also integrates with Voyager, so you don't have to change your entire internet system; merely swapping Posty for Pluto.

If however, you find that Posty has ground to a halt and is not displaying new emails correctly, or is too slow, these instructions will show you how to wipe (or backup) the entire email store.

Locating the relevant files

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Last edit: 10th Apr 2016 at 1:45pm
(3233 days ago)

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