
Section 5 - !Marcel (news)

Q5.1) When I run !Marcel and try to connect to News, I get the error Unknown host '<name>'.?
Q5.2) When I try to post a news article I get the error c-client: Unknown error <number> for host <name>
Q5.3) New news only appears when I use the Show old articles option.
Q5.4) How do I delete old news articles?
Q5.5) How do I stop !InetSuite from downloading several months worth of news?
Q5.6) Why is opening a newsgroup so slow?
Q5.7) News downloading starts but is slow or fails to complete.
Q5.8) I want to subscribe to a newsgroup not listed in !Marcel's View all window.
Q5.9) When I try and read news I get the error message Local user '<user>' does not exist.
Q5.10) When I click on a link to a newsgroup I get the error message That newsgroup isn't available.
Q5.11) When I click on a link to a newsgroup I get the error message Can't read news without being connected to a server.

Q5.1) When I run !Marcel and try to connect to News, I get the error Unknown host '<name>'.?

This error occurs when !Marcel has been configured to read news from a remote NNTP server but you are currently offline. To change this:
  1. Choose Choices from !Marcel's icon bar menu.
  2. Click on News setup.
  3. Ensure that the NNTP server is set to localhost
  4. Click on Close.
  5. Click on Save.

Now try reading news again.

Q5.2) When I try to post a news article I get the error c-client: Unknown error <number> for host <name>

This error occurs when !Marcel has been configured to post news to a remote NNTP server but you are currently offline. To change this:
  1. Choose Choices from !Marcel's icon bar menu.
  2. Click on News setup.
  3. Ensure that the Post server is set to localhost
  4. Click on Close.
  5. Click on Save in the Choices window.

Now try posting news again.

Q5.3) New news only appears when I use the Show old articles option.

It's possible that !Marcel has become confused about the article numbers it uses to keep track of which items have been read or not. This can be reset in one of two ways:
  1. After selecting Show old articles, select the following items from the menu in the window containing the list of greyed out messages:
    Select -> Select all
    Selection -> Unread
  2. In the window containing the list of groups subscribed to by !Marcel, select the affected group or groups, and then click Menu. Select Group -> Reset all unread
    (If you selected more than one group, it'll be Selection -> Reset all unread)


Q5.4) How do I delete old news articles?

The ability to delete single news articles from disc does not exist. However, articles can be deleted in batch mode using Expire news. For more information on this, please see page 4-28 of the manual.

Q5.5) How do I stop !InetSuite from downloading several months worth of news?

In the Internet Suite configuration application, !InetConfg, click on News setup.
The Transfer since date and time information tells !InetSuite to ask for news articles from the server which are no older than this. To set how long ago you want to start downloading articles from, click on the Menu icon to the right of Transfer since, and select how far back you wish to go.

Q5.6) Why is opening a newsgroup so slow?

Please do the following:
  1. Quit !Marcel.
  2. Select Transfer -> Expire news from the !InetSuite menu and wait for this to complete.
  3. When complete, use !Marcel as normal.


Q5.7) News downloading starts but is slow or fails to complete.

There are three possible solutions to this - you may need one or more of them:
  1. Force the Suite to use the XHDR method of downloading news if the Suite doesn't use it automatically. To do this, select Use XHDR in the News setup window within !InetConfg.
  2. In !InetSuite.Internet.Files.!InetNews, set BatchSize to 1.
  3. In !InetSuite.Internet.Files.!InetNews, set MultipleStreams to 1.


Q5.8) I want to subscribe to a newsgroup not listed in !Marcel's View all window.

Please do the following:
  1. In the News setup window within !InetConfg, click on View all (or New).
  2. Click Menu in the View all (or New groups) window and use the Search option to find the group you are looking for.
  3. If you find the group, drag it into the News setup window.
  4. If you couldn't find the group, please follow the steps on page 4-24 of the manual to refetch an updated list of newsgroups.

The group should now be available in !Marcel's View all window, although you will need to select Transfer -> News from the !InetSuite menu before you can use !Marcel to access any new news articles in the group.

Q5.9) When I try and read news I get the error message Local user '<user>' does not exist.

Please do the following:
  1. From !Marcel's menu select News
  2. In the Connect to news server window, select the Local user you wish to use for reading email.
  3. Ensure the User name and Password are both empty.
  4. Click on Connect
  5. Select Choices from the !Marcel menu.
  6. From the News setup window, ensure both the User name and Password are empty.
  7. Click on Close, Save and OK.


Q5.10) When I click on a link to a newsgroup I get the error message That newsgroup isn't available.

This could be due to two reasons:

  • The link to the newsgroup is incorrect
    If the link is of the form news://news.server/, try using instead.
  • Is the newsgroup available?
    Before trying again to access the group, subscribe to the group using !Marcel. If the title of the Groups <news.server>: window is Groups localhost:, then use !InetConfg to subscribe to the group (as detailed in section 5.8 of the FAQ).


    Q5.11) When I click on a link to a newsgroup I get the error message Can't read news without being connected to a server.

    Please do the following before trying again:
    1. From !Marcel's menu select News
    2. In the Connect to news server window, select the Local user you wish to use.
    3. Ensure the User name and Password are both empty.
    4. Click on Connect

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