
InetSuite FAQ - Internet Service Providers

Q2.1) Where can I find details of the different service providers? Which one should I choose?
Q2.2) I have an account with a service provider that does not appear to be supported by the Internet Suite, what should I do?
Q2.3) When I try to connect to my ISP I see the error *11 Authentication rejected by remote (check local->remote password).
Q2.4) When I try to connect to my ISP I see the error *11 Remote system did not supply expected prompt.
Q2.5) My service provider has given me a fixed IP address but the IP Address shows Dynamic in grey. What should I do?
Q2.6) I've changed some of the details in the Provider setup window within !InetConfg; how can I get the original information back?
Q2.7) I can connect to my ISP using several different telephone numbers? How can I use more than one with !InetSuite?
Q2.8) I've selected either Zetnet Services, Charis Internet Services or Daelnet as my service provider but I can't get online with the Internet Suite.
Q2.9) I'm an Argonet customer and cannot get online using !InetSuite.
Q2.10) I'm a Pavilion Internet customer and cannot get online using !InetSuite.
Q2.11) I'm a LineOne customer and cannot get online using !InetSuite.
Q2.12) I'm an InterNLnet customer and cannot get online using !InetSuite.
Q2.13) I'm an Eclipse customer and cannot get online using !InetSuite.
Q2.14) I'm a PIPEX Dial customer and cannot get online using !InetSuite.
Q2.15) I'm a Freeserve customer and cannot get online using !InetSuite.

Q2.1) Where can I find details of the different service providers? Which one should I choose?

Reviews of different service providers can often be found in many of the Internet magazines which are available from most newsagents. Such magazines usually provide information necessary to help you decide which service providers are most suitable for your needs.
Details on the Internet Service Providers currently supported by the ANT Internet Suite can be found at

Q2.2) I have an account with a service provider that does not appear to be supported by the Internet Suite what should I do?

I am continually adding support for service providers around the world.
In the event that you cannot find the ISP you require, contact me.

Q2.3) When I try to connect to my ISP I see the error *11 Authentication rejected by remote (check local->remote password).

This indicates that the Login name and/or Password in the Provider setup window within !InetConfg are incorrect.
The Password is hidden from view and both are case sensitive. It is advised that you delete what is currently there, ensure Caps Lock is OFF, then retype the details. If you're unsure of either please check with the ISP.
Once done, click on Close and Save before trying again.

Q2.4) When I try to connect to my ISP I see the error *11 Remote system did not supply expected prompt.

This is caused by at least one of the following:
Incorrect account details
Please see Internet Service Providers for more details.
Additional login details needed to connect
ISPs currently supported by the Suite which use additional information for connecting to their service are dealt in the rest of this section of the FAQ.
Changes made by the ISP to their login system
Please contact ANT Support stating the ISP you're trying to connect to.


Q2.5) My service provider has given me a fixed IP address but the IP Address shows Dynamic in grey. What should I do?

Nothing - !InetSuite will be told what IP address to use each time you connect to the service provider.

Q2.6) I've changed some of the details in the Provider setup window within !InetConfg; how can I get the original information back?

From the IS Provider menu select a different one. Once done, select the original one again.

Q2.7) I can connect to my ISP using several different telephone numbers? How can I use more than one with !InetSuite?

There are two ways to do this:
Keep trying until you get through
In the Provider setup window within !InetConfg, adjust-clicking on entries in the Town/City menu will append the corresponding numbers to the Telephone list.
When you connect to your ISP, !InetSuite will keep trying each number, according to the Redials settings in the Modem setup window within !InetConfg, until either the remote end answers or the number of tries is reached.
Quickly reconfiguring the Suite
This requires some preparation but can be done. Follow the steps below:
  1. Load !InetConfg and, in the Provider setup window, select the Town/City entry you wish to use.
  2. Click on Close and Save.
  3. Inside the !InetSuite.Internet.Files directory, make a copy of the Serial file. For example, call it SerialA.
  4. Use your text editor to create an Obey file which contains the following:
    Copy InetDBase:SerialA <InetSuite$Dir>.Internet.Files.Serial F~V~C
    This Obey file can be placed, for example, in the same directory as !InetSuite.
  5. Repeat all these steps for each telephone number offered by your ISP, creating SerialB, SerialC, SerialD, etc.

If you wish to connect to your ISP, select Connect from the !InetSuite menu as normal. If you wish to change telephone number, run the corresponding Obey file beforehand.


Q2.8) I've selected either Zetnet Services, Charis Internet Services or Daelnet as my service provider but I can't get online with the Internet Suite.

Amongst the many ISPs currently supported by the Internet Suite, these three require additional information to be included before you can connect to their service - a Registration Number and User Number.
Please follow the steps below to ensure your copy of the Internet Suite is configured correctly:
  1. Inside the !InetSuite.Internet.Providers directory create a new directory called NewISP
  2. From the ANT Internet Suite window, double-click on Tools and load !SparkPlug.
  3. From the !InetSuite.Internet.Providers directory, drag either UK_a-m or UK_n-z down to the !SparkPlug icon on the icon bar, depending on whether you're using Charis Internet Services or Zetnet Services.
  4. From the new window, copy the relevant script - either Charis or ZetNet into the NewISP directory.
  5. Double-click on the new script to load it into your text editor and follow the instructions at the top of the file to make the necessary changes.
  6. Once the file has been updated, go back to the ANT Internet Suite window and double-click on Configuration.
  7. In the Internet Suite configuration window, click on Provider setup.
  8. From the Country menu select NewISP, then click on Close and Save.

You should now be able to connect to the ISP as normal.

Q2.9) I'm an Argonet customer and cannot get online using !InetSuite.

In the Provider setup window within !InetConfg, please modify the Login name by adding a prefix.
If you're using Argonet (Cambridge Cable), the prefix should be arg, otherwise use UKARG/.
Once done, click on Close and Save.

Q2.10) I'm a Pavilion Internet customer and cannot get online using !InetSuite.

In the Provider setup window within !InetConfg, please modify the Login name by adding the suffix /ppp
Once done, click on Close and Save.

Q2.11) I'm a LineOne customer and cannot get online using !InetSuite.

In the Provider setup window within !InetConfg, please modify the Login name by adding the suffix
Once done, click on Close and Save.

Q2.12) I'm an InterNLnet customer and cannot get online using !InetSuite.

In the Provider setup window within !InetConfg, please modify the Login name by adding the prefix ppp: and the suffix
For example, a Login name of example would become
Once done, click on Close and Save.

Q2.13) I'm an Eclipse Networking customer and cannot get online using !InetSuite.

In the Provider setup window within !InetConfg, please modify the Login name by adding the prefix eclipse/
Once done, click on Close and Save.

Q2.14) I'm a PIPEX Dial customer and cannot get online using !InetSuite.

In the Provider setup window within !InetConfg, please modify the Login name by adding a prefix.
If you're using PIPEX Dial (Cambridge Cable), the prefix should be sol, otherwise use UK/sol.
Once done, click on Close and Save.

Q2.15) I'm a Freeserve customer and cannot get online using !InetSuite.

In the Provider setup window within !InetConfg, please modify the Login name by adding the suffix (so it's the same as the Host name).
Once done, click on Close and Save.

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